Tuesday, June 26, 2012


What is life without good friends?

This week Burtonia was host to some dear people who were visiting from Calgary. Faces we haven't seen in some time but are all too familiar and in so many ways never changing.

The best laughs are old repeated ones and the most colourful sense of yourself comes from those who have known you for what seems to be an eternity. There is such a bitter sweetness to recalling stories from decades gone by. They remind you of the unstoppable aging process but send you on path to recollection.  Fewer grey hairs and a life bursting with unimportant possibility and you were immortal.

There is also a sense of wonder at how love can span miles and memories are what really link you to the people you adore. Relish in memories and make new ones too. Those are your story and your loved ones however far away will always share them with you.

Here's to future laughs and events of this week that will be revisited in decades to come. Cheers. AB