Thursday, November 01, 2012

1st of the MOVEMBER

Movember 1st, 2012

Dear Movemberists: 
Are you still on the fence about shaving tomorrow?
I understand there is a need in every man to see what is lurking in the pores of your upper lip.  Really, I get it.  If I could create a stache or other right-of-passage mannish hair clusters I would want to try them on too.
Here's the thing... the last couple of years there were a strong number of you brawny dudes walking around with your proud new Movember fur.  Striking up convos and making comparisons, strutting your manly stuff.  All cool like a 70's porn star or person of interest in a playground.  Amusing for sure.  Adorable?  Absolutely. 
So what is your problem AB? 
Not that I intended to become a pollster or activist for the event but somewhere in the neighbourhood of November 15th I starting asking you newly moustached man monkeys how much actual cash money you had backing the growth.  Had you set up your online sponsor page?  Kicked in a few of your own bucks to get your hairy ball rolling?  Actively seeking a donation from every passerby as they identify  your new face situation?  Leveraging your photo gallery of the weekly (in some cases daily) transformation of your mouth pelt into more dollar bills for the cause?  It's a fundraiser, right?
The best answer I got was $14.00 because that's what Steve had in his wallet at the time and he was committed to making that happen.   
The worst answer I got was also the most frequent "$0.00".
I know that some of you raised serious moola.  Don't get your back up.  I donated to a good number of you.  The proof of your commitment to actually supporting research for men's cancers was profiled online.  Mad respect and kudos.  Props.  Big ups.  Fist bumps, etc.  I simply didn't have the pleasure of running into you, at least not in Movember.
Listen, the $0.00 moustache just ain't cool on any man unless you already had it on Halloween.  Well, that and your bone structure will dictate if it's working out but let's stay on track.  Here's where you want to be:
Ladies, let's ask these boys what they are up to this month.  Are you with me?  AB