Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It's all well and good to say "follow your dreams" but let's be serious, you have to pay your bills.  If you don't see your name on the top of the bill I question your level of dependence and hope you are under the age of majority.
If I see one more post of this Watts "all wretch and no vomit" video on how we are punishing the next generation with forced education and expectations to live a consumer lifestyle that suggests we should all just concentrate on our favourite hobbies and see if we can master them... I might wretch myself.

Agreed there are sad and serious holes in the current North American daydream but it isn't the actual ability to dream that should be cause for concern. It is the silly notion that dreams are all you need and that if you just dream hard enough they will all come true.   Why the busted and blind belief that all children are above average and that they should never have to work hard or do things they don't want to do?  Every moment of your life should feel like a fat ball of cotton candy?
I don't mean to disrespect inspiration. Inspiration is the first step to a glowing entrepreneurial spirit or a desire to help others. I only mean to say that life is not but a dream. It is what you make it and there is no amount of fuzzy fabulous dreaming that will replace hard work and the rewards that only come from sacrifice.
The dreamiest feeling is your head on the pillow at the end of a day where you have completely supported yourself and you are the master of your own honestly earned life.
Sure it would be lovely to consider what a world without commerce would be like but get real.  Humans are pack animals and even Neanderthals quickly learned to trade. Take away all of the paper money and you still need to find a way to be of service and value to your fellow man or you will have to depend solely on their kindness to merely survive.
So dreamers: how exactly are you going to pay for your hiking boots, parachute and scuba gear?  Clue: Richard Branson built a company first and focused on island life and space exploration a little while later.