Monday, April 22, 2013


This month a few things happened that were hard to swallow but the Burtons are all good so don't worry. Last night someone told me that karma will take care of the rest. I didn't disagree but it isn't a place I can hang my hat either.

Is there such a thing as karma or is that just easier to pronounce and digest than reticular activator? It's not as sexy but the reality is that your brain fires off a hefty 'pay attention' chemical signal when you see something that you can relate to. You have a new car and suddenly that car is everywhere because you are amenable to seeing it like never before. Why not credit your experiences and awareness rather than a mystical theory? A grip on this neurological function will activate the supposed law of attraction more so than the actual universe ever could.

By any account or by whatever system of belief you would like to attribute the results if you are going to really commit to being a miserable, mean Jackass it's likely that bad things will keep 'happening' to you. If something good rolls down the mountain you won't be open to it so your list of gripes and negative pile of crap will thrive and grow like a fungus fed by your state of wretchedness.

It takes a boatload of conviction when times are tough but if you can, be the bigger person and craft ray of sunshine even if all of the sky above you is cloud. You won't spark a chain of immediate events but when a shiny ray finally breaks through you will be far more likely to notice it. You will also start to perceive when others lack this self awareness and you can begin to protect and surround yourself with the energy you actually desire.