Friday, January 13, 2012


Burtonia continues to serve as a playground and often a crash pad for some of the world's most fabulous grownups. A treasured and esteemed list of folks we call friends. Some of these loved ones have their names etched on a barstool and others we see less often for reasons of geography. We are fortunate to have such an eclectic and interesting group of regulars.  
All guests bring smiles to our faces as they appear on the doorstep but none are quite as anticipated as the Vagabonds. The random and temporary return of the kids who blew off a life in Niagara for its narrow scenery, limited population and unbearably cold winter weather. Nothing brings greater perspective on what truly makes life large than hearing globetrotting stories fall from the tanned lips of a person who owns a backpack and little else. It makes a Burton wonder if maybe there was a miscalculation in the master plan when we put the root down.

The lifestyle differences are glaring and hard to ignore.
  • a Burton says: "last Tuesday I looked at a really interesting investment property"
  • a Vagabond says: "last Tuesday I looked at the Sphinx" 

Everyone life meets a Mirror Holder. Those people in your life that not through lecture but pure inspiration cause you to stop, take a long look at yourself and your place in the world.  It could be for reasons of health, wealth, experience or loss. They present a situation or story that precedes your glance at the clock of existence and fuels a concern; it might be later than I think. The only true poverty might be a lack of time. 
For the Burtons the Vagabonds are the Mirror Holders.  A live illustration of that balance between your present and future self.  An endless battle that can't be won. There are some days we wonder if we are doing it right. Question: if Burtonia was yanked from the root and if we traded it all for plane tickets and power bars how long and far could we journey? We love to travel but we take 'vacations'. There is no comparison and we know it.
For a sample perspective that makes our heads spin check out this interview with Mr. Rolf Potts, an accomplished author and long term traveller.  His book "Vagabonding" is a dog eared member of the Burtonia library.   AB