Tuesday, January 03, 2012


The Christmas of 2011 was the first to be celebrated right here in Burtonia. We are typically the ones packing up a car with a variety of catered items, wine bottles plus stacked and packed boxes of gifts to be driven all over the golden horseshoe to make mandatory holiday appearances. 

This holiday season we took over.  Burtonia turkey, Burtonia tree and a Burtonia table set for the whole family.  There was merriment and babies, Christmas crackers and egg nog.  The whole deal. 

The turkey roasters of yesteryear where all too happy to relinquish the Christmas controls.  Now we know why.  The set up was endless as where the inquiries.  Who was attending?  Who needed presents for who?  What can each person bring?  What time are all events to be held?  In Burtonia our love of lists and charts was in full effect. As an experienced party planner I won't play that it was too much to handle.  It all came together in the end and the items that were missed just didn't seem to matter once we were all around the table with smiles and toasts abounding. 

 It is so cheesy but true that it didn't really matter that my first course was iffy at best and didn't quite turn out the way I planned.  When I set each plate down in front of each guest I realized whatever the content of the menu was each of these special people had decided to spend this very special day here, with us. 

I have wonderful childhood memories of Christmas.  Always a day of family and food with all of the fanciest plates and linens set on the table, mom in the kitchen, Poppy endlessly playing with me and my new toys.  We are so happy that Burtonia will now be a part of the Christmas memories of some very special little Burtons.   AB