Friday, January 06, 2012


Let's hit this. 2012.
So cliché but like everyone the wintery starter spark of the new year is a time of both reflection and forward thinking for us. So what does this flip of yet another calendar mean in Burtonia?
Professionally we start a new Burton business fiscal year. We run stats and host meetings on how to better service our clients and tenants in the year to come. We learn from our tough times and celebrate our successes. Then collect and pack 12 months of ledgers and files to wrap up 12 months of revenue, expenses and accounting. Throw a lid on that banker box and hope CRA sees things the same way that we did.
Personally we can hardly believe 2012 has finally arrived. We have talked about this particular year for such a long time. It is our 10th year of marriage and the last 9 have overflowed with speculation and conversations of who we would be when 2012 finally came rolling in. It started in the cab ride from The Little White Chapel with a wedding certificate in one hand and the world as our oyster in the other.
Unreal.  Time to start dreaming of who, what and where Team Burton will be in 2022.  AB